Saturday, October 31, 2009

You have a problem with me?

It was a beautiful, sunny Friday morning. Fred and Barney were waking up from the late night partying. barney could feel all of the dancing and shouting from last night echoing in his head and felt like a wreck. On the other hand Fred was full of energy and could not await their departure for the city of Chirpan. Fred’s grandparents had a rancho over there, and it was the first time since the beginning of the year, that Fred decided to go and visit them. He was a little bit of a slacker, leaving everything for the last moment. This was the last weekend before the start of the school year and both Fred and Barney were not very happy about that fact. Barney was a bit too tidy and he did not like disorder in his life, especially connected to his favorite car, his BMW convertible. He could talk about it all day long, without stopping and realizing that nobody listened to him anymore. They were like brothers, but this never stopped them from playing dirty tricks on each other. This year was their last in high school and they were positive that it was going to be their best.
Fred and Barney were from those kinds of people that took life not so serious, but were committed to their school, friends, and most of all their principles. Both of them could explode if something went not according to their plan, which most of the time resulted in fights between them. They did not harm each other, but this act of violence was a simple game of showing of each other’s manliness. Nobody took them seriously, even their friends, and at the end of this “action scene” they all laughed and started making fun.
The amazing journey of Fred and Barney starts with their trip to Chirpan. They take the highway in hopes of a road that does not look as if it was bombarded a few days ago. It was a Saturday morning and Barney already passed the moment of his morning sickness. As they drove along the way, both of them decided, that it was a great time to test the capabilities of the car. Barney was an excellent driver and took driving seriously and he was not from

those kind of people that was going to risk another man’s life. The highway was almost empty and the boys decided that it was about time to push the car more and set a time, which was a record to beat on the return home.
As they were getting closer to Chirpan, Fred could taste his grandmother’s moussaka, a smell permanently stuck in his memory. When they arrived at Fred’s house, they saw that his grandparents were waiting for them in front of the building. They loved Fred so much and always were so passionate when it was a question about his future. The city of Chirpan was a small city, located on the new part of the highway and until recently, it was very populated with young people. With the completion of the new road, which did not pass through the center anymore, brought unemployment and bankruptcy to the citizens, and most of them escaped to the villages in order to support themselves.
Fred and Barney decided to go out and look around town. They drove to the old wine factory, which was a big business in the region, but the money stopped flowing in and it was doomed to exile. As they were driving slowly on the main strip they saw a café, which seemed good enough for a relaxing afternoon coffee. Barney thought that it was a good idea to stop the car at the car park, which was located in the back alley of the café. As he was backing up in reverse he saw a big, black muscle car. It was the very expensive one Mercedez-Benz Cl 63 AMG, which was truly an amazing car. Fred and Barney were huge fans of cars and were over excited when they saw it. This excitement made Barney feel safer when handling his car and probably the cause for the crash. As he was changing to reverse an amazingly beautiful girl passed buy and all of the men in the back alley could not take their eyes off her. Barney forgot that his foot was on the pedal and slammed the back of the car in to the front of the Mercedez.

This was the moment when both of them were scared a lot. As they hurried to see the damage, three huge men came out from the black muscle car. As the two “brothers” saw that, they jumped in the car and left them in smoke. Exiting the street they saw that the Merc was on their tail. Fred had a few friends still left in Chirpan and called the owner of the old wine factory. As they raced against the Mercedez, Fred received instructions to go and hide in the hangar behind the hangar with grape. As Fred and Barney got closer to the designated spot, they could see that they were getting ahead of their chasers. The hiding spot was ideal and remained hidden there for the whole night, just in case.
On the next morning they were looking on the news, in order to see if they have heard about the midnight fiasco on the city streets. Looking through the channels, Fred saw the black Mercedez, which was hit on the left side, realizing that it was the same as last night. As they listened more, they understood that the police officers had caught the bad guys. Fred heard that they tried to bribe the police for speeding, but were caught and now were facing the consequences. The trip to Chirpan was a test for both their capabilities to drive, and survive on their own. Fred and Barney had other plans and decided that it was about time to leave this place, forgotten by any modern development. The two boys were full of adrenalin and were eager to visit Barney’s old hometown and drive the car. Their wish to travel so much, came from Barney’s addiction to his car and high-speed driving.


  1. Are Barney and Fred your friends? This is a very interesting story. Last year I got my license to drive and have not had any wrecks. It sounds like they could have gotten in to some big trouble. I like your use of complex English words (designated, permanently, etc..) You have a good vocabulary. I noticed you used more relaxed words like 'slacker' and 'dirty tricks.' If I didn't know you were from Bulgaria I would think you were from somewhere in America.

  2. xaxa this stroy reminds me of some people:)
    I laughed a lot when I imagined it;p\
    nice story.
